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Technosive, Blogger Template For Tech Review

Saturday, January 27, 2018

TECHNOSIVE is responsive blogger template for tech review. TECHNOSIVE is a simple, clean, modern and professional blog ideal for making a professional blogging and elegant websites. This template is totally responsive so it adapts to your style as well as the device it’s viewed on. It is clean and fresh style and high user friendly blogger template. TECHNOSIVE created by Herdiansyah Hamzah and published by THEMES PAPER.

TECHNOSIVE features include responsive design, tech featured label, smart thumbnail resize, responsive dropdown menu navigation, label cloud edited, feedburner subscribe, page navigation number, popular post edited, white color background, comment edited, standart SEO ready, share social media button on homepage/postpage and well documentation on PDF version.

You can see TECHNOSIVE live demo here : DEMO or visited THEMES PAPER site to donwnload TECHNOSIVE blogger template for free. Or you can click link here : DOWNLOAD.


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